Foreign Exchange Trading- FOREX

The foreign exchanges are extremely volatile places to invest money in- fortunes are won and lost 24 hours a day five days a week. The beauty of the FOREX is precisely that it's constantly moving. 

I don't claim to be an expert in FOREX trading but i have made sizeable amounts on the FOREX. Take a look at the link below and all will become clear. 

Basically this program works on preset parameters to trade in and out of currency pairs to ensure profit. As i said before the Forex trades 24/7- the program does as well as long as the internet is connected. In my experience Autopilot make 98% of trades in profit, the other 2% making a small loss or even money- even in the difficult market of today. I just let the pilot do it's thing, and now and again withdraw from the bank and start again. This pilot will not teach you how to trade FOREX, it just does it for you. All you need to do is open an account with the trader of your choice- ALWAYS start with a demo account until you are happy will the pilot and the trader. 
