How To Earn A Living From The Internet

There are thousands of sites that proclaim to show you how to make a fortune on the internet, and mostly they're designed around making the author a nice earner! Question is how to know what's real and what's fiction. There's an awful lot of sites that use a fortune on their sales pitch with only one purpose- to reel you in then leave you to drown on the bank. There's sites that offer people incentives to write a testemonial for them, making them worthless. Blackhat marketers really don't care to much about value for money- they only care about the money part.

I've put this site together to try to give a few pointers to the internet newbies out there. I will only promote tried and tested ways of making money and will as honest as possible. The systems published here have made me money and will make you money also IF YOU SHOW DISCIPLINE and follow the system to the letter!

Do not expect to become a millionaire overnight, systems that promise such things are more likely than not only going to make the author money at your expense. Your expectations must be realistic, if you're not realistic then save your money and leave now!

If you're new to internet marketing then the first thing to realise is that every time someone clicks on an internet link then someone else earns money from it, which of course means that someone else has to pay! The trick is very simple- to be the one that earns and not the one that pays!

Take Google for example, ever noticed the boxes on the right when you search for something? Well, they're part of something called adwords. The basic idea is that the author of the advert pays google every time someone clicks on his advert, if something is then bought from the advertised site after clicking on the link then the author of the advert then gets a percentage of the sales from the site owner- it doesn't take a genius to realise that the success depends on ensuring thatany profits from sales are not used in the advertising budget, so the sales per click ratio is all important.

Feel free to explore this site, hopefully you'll learn a few things if nothing else. My intention with this site is to make the slippery path of internet marketing a little less icy and cut throat.
